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Cropx Small Photo

CropX, the precision agriculture company from Netanya that developed a crop field soil monitoring system, signed an agreement with the manufacturing contractor Nistec to manufacture thousands of soils sensors to be deployed across about 5 million dunams throughout the world. CropX developed a platform for crop field irrigation and fertilizer management. This is the first and only system in the world based on real-time collection of...

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Technology Course – Grounding and Shielding - The Essence of EMC Design – Elya B. Joffe – July 26-27-28, 2021 This three-day comprehensive course provides the trainees with the necessary tools for identification, analysis and understanding of the electromagnetic phenomena related to electronic equipment and system-level grounding and shielding. The unique technology course will be held at Dan Accadia Hotel, Herzliya. Course Program: Registration now open: Due to the...

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Nistec small

The Nistec electronics plant in Petah Tikva has received approval for its plan to install advanced technologies in manufacturing at an investment of NIS 5 million. The plan was first submitted for investments, following work with the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing, which jointly with Nistec drew up a road map to improve productivity through the installation of advanced technologies. The plan was first approved by the...

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